September 4, 2022
Jesus once asked his followers this question, “Do you understand what I have done for you?”
Serving others is truly a bridge that moves us from a life of pride and competition to a life of blessing and service.
September 11, 2022
Have you ever noticed that some people are more naturally compassionate than others? Maybe it’s their personality or upbringing. Regardless, every believer is called to clothe themselves with compassion. When empathy doesn’t come naturally, some Christians may wonder if something is wrong with them. So, what can we do to develop a greater sense of caring?
September 18, 2022
Everyone needs hope in many different things in life. When you have hope, you anticipate, expect, and look forward to something. Life is exciting and enjoyable. When you have no hope, there is a sense of dread. You find yourself in the muck and mire of something you cannot put your finger on. Through this message, we want to offer hope for the hopeless and healing for our souls.