July 10, 2022
Dreams don’t always come true. But does that mean we should stop dreaming? Does that mean we shouldn’t make plans?
In this new series, “Dream Big”, we want to look at the complex issue of big dreams. And maybe, just maybe, we will see if dreaming big is something we should still do, despite the fact that dreams don’t always come true.
July 17, 2022
What’s the number one killer of big dreams for God? It’s something you already know but might need to be reminded of. The answer is personal integrity. Every year, the church world gets rocked, and we are reminded how a lack of personal integrity always impacts some other person. In this message, we will see how Daniel was able to maintain his personal integrity in a culture that was tempting him to compromise the dream.
June 24, 2022
What's the difference between people who see big dreams come true and those who don’t? It really comes down to how you answer two questions: How will I respond to disappointment? Am I willing to give my very best?
Let's see how Nehemiah answered these questions, as he attempted to see the big dream of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem come to pass.
June 31, 2022
How does a dream become reality?
Our approach will be to look at the life of Moses and learn some valuable lessons. Moses had some things he had to get past and some things he had to get going. What was true for Moses is still true today. Our hope is that today’s message will help you see the big dreams God has given you become reality.