The Church of the Nazarene is home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 local congregations in 162 world areas. We partner with some of these other churches in other countries through giving financially as well as sending work and witness teams to meet needs in a unique way. We also offer our support through prayer.
Care & Connection is a network of personal connections between missionaries and Nazarene districts around the world.
Participating missionaries are assigned to districts and, then on the district level, connected to local churches. This gives each church an opportunity to become personally acquainted with a missionary family and their field of service.

Heidi Bowes is a globally commissioned missionary for the Church of the Nazarene in the Eurasia Regional Office in Switzerland, where she has served since 2002. Before coming to the Eurasia Region, she served in South Africa at the Africa Regional Office, and in Kansas City, USA in the Global Missions Department at the Nazarene Global Ministry Center.
Heidi currently serves more than 50 districts and pioneer areas in Eurasia in supporting and developing district administration. This includes statistics, ministerial credential records, official documents and policies, and other district administrative needs, which support the
local churches and pastors. She enjoys working with and training district leaders from a wide and diverse representation of cultural backgrounds as part of the global body of Christ.
She graduated with a Master's in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2017. Her prior academic endeavors include study at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho, Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and Nazarene
Theological Seminary in Kansas City. She enjoys playing the piano, pipe organ, and flute in her free time, as well as the local favorite pastime of daily walks along the Rhine River.

Responding to the Great Commission, the mission statement for the Eurasia Region of the Church of the Nazarene is to develop an indigenous, interdependent, self-supporting, holiness church in the Wesleyan—Arminian tradition. The Eurasia Region Church of the Nazarene is one of the six regions in the Church of the Nazarene global denomination.
The Eurasia Region’s central support office is located in Busingen, Germany, where a small team of workers, led by our regional director, listen to the leaders across our seven fields so that we can provide effective administrative assistance to our leadership team at all levels and in our wide-ranging cultural contexts. Some of our staff also work remotely from other locations across Europe, allowing us to be closer to our grassroots network of churches and leaders, giving us a regional perspective.