September 5, 2021
Stress is a defining characteristic of the world today. People are so focused on getting everything accomplished at once, that we end up falling apart. It shouldn't be surprising, but we put ourselves in stressful scenarios.
So...how do I deal with that?
September 12, 2021
Most Christians know that sharing their faith is part of the job. God commissions all of us to spread the Good News of Jesus!
But what exactly does that look like? How do I reach out to my friend, coworker, or neighbor and have them actually hear me out?
September 19, 2021
Our job is to do all we can to help them grow. In both our biological family and our faith family, we are called by God to show up in the lives of the next generation in a way that will impact their lives and help shape their future.
In this message, we are going to take a deep dive into this idea as we fulfill our responsibility to the next generation.
September 26, 2021
There is a yearning to be close to our Creator, regardless of whether you are young or old. Yet, many times, as we walk this path of life, we feel like God is far away.
Is there a way to draw close to God? It’s the question we will reflect on in this message from Dan.
October 3, 2021
Negative thoughts can stop you from realizing the purposes God has for your life.
This is something Jesus acknowledged in his farewell address. The good news is that Jesus gave his closest followers a game plan that we can use in our lives today.
October 10, 2021
No one is exempt from temptation. Even Jesus had to resist it. Now, you don’t have to believe this, but Jesus did. Jesus believed there was a real entity known as the Devil, who schemed with lies to tempt us into sin. And that sin has the power to separate us from God.
So, “How do I resist temptation?” It’s a question we need to talk about.
October 17, 2021
What did Jesus mean when He said to His disciples that some of them would not taste death until they saw the Son of Man coming into His kingdom? Comments such as these have raised many questions, causing some to conclude that Jesus was wrong about the time of His second coming. In this message, we will examine the time-texts associated with the “Olivet Discourse,” demonstrating that, when properly understood, the time-texts are actually strong evidence for the truthfulness of Scripture.