October 16, 2022
How would you rank giving and receiving? Which one would be more of a priority in your life? In this message, we will visit the farewell speech of the Apostle Paul to some people he deeply cared for. And in the final line of his speech, he reveals how Jesus ranked giving and receiving. Receiving is not a bad thing, but the life that is more blessed is one that chooses to rank giving first.
October 23, 2022
When the boss is gone, what do you do? Believe it or not, Jesus answered this question quite extensively. What he says not only applies to the kingdom, but to economics as well.
If you are looking for some practical advice on how to manage your resources wisely, this message is for you.
October 30, 2022
What's the motivation to give? Really, why did Jesus say it was more blessed to give than receive? Why give to ministry? According to the Apostle Paul, the motivation behind giving hinges on one event in history - the resurrection. If it's true, it's the motivation behind all giving. The resurrection impacts not only how we live, but why we give.