April 14, 2024
How do I get free? This is the question we are dealing with in our current series entitled The Path to Freedom. Step one was to agree with God. Freedom begins with confession. Step two is one you might not expect. In this message, Dan will share a thought the Apostle Paul had for a group struggling to get free. There is a power we need on this pathway to freedom.
April 21, 2024
Spiritually, not knowing how long you will have to fight for freedom can be psychologically draining. On your journey to freedom, sometimes you may have paused and wondered if you could keep going. The thought had crossed your mind that it might be easier not to follow Jesus. The good news is you are not alone. Let's talk about the importance hope plays on the path to freedom.
April 28, 2024
On the path to freedom, many of us encounter sadness, hurt, and uncertainty that can leave us feeling sad. Feeling depressed. The authors of the Bible command us to celebrate, but sometimes it just feels like there's nothing to celebrate.