Theme: Honesty
Trust is the glue of relationships. How do we earn and keep trust? By being honest. Honesty, even if it is bad news, builds trust. Lies, even if they are small, break trust. A man was once asked what the biggest difference Jesus made in his life. He responded by saying how I answer the phone. Taken back a bit by his answer, the interviewer probed deeper. The man explained that he was dishonest with clients so every time a client called, he had to remember which lie he told them. Keeping all the lies straight was exhausting. But when he came to know Jesus, things changed. He started telling the truth and no longer had to worry about keeping all the lies straight. He enjoyed the peace and trust that comes from honesty.
I am so glad we have a source of truth. God's thoughts, not our thoughts, is what makes the difference in our relationships. As we read God's thoughts about relationships, we can be assured they are true. And because they are true, they build trust. This week, focus on God's thoughts about a relational area of your life. Because integrity is not just about telling the truth, it is about the relationship on the other side of the truth. God never lies, He is always honest. You can trust God's thoughts because they care not only about the truth, but about the relationships on the other side of the truth.
Scripture: Proverbs 30:5
"Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection."
Prayer: Honesty
"Heavenly Father, every Word you speak proves true. Your words are honest and they never change. Because of this, you are a shield. You protect every relationship. Thank you for your amazing Word and the truth it contains. We pray we would anchor every relationship in your Word, and not our thoughts. We pray we would choose honesty over lies. At times, we may find that what You have to say is hard to hear, but we know it is for our good and not our harm. Help us this week to read, believe, trust, and obey your Word. The world is full of empty promises, but you, oh God, are full of powerful truth. We believe Your honesty will protect our relationship with You and others. Thank you for your Word. In Jesus' Name, Amen."