Theme: Release You Feelings
Sunday we talked about steps we can take toward better mental and emotional health. To review, they were...
1. Renew your soul.
2. Refocus your eyes.
3. Release your feelings.
You can watch the full message here at https://www.cantonnazarene.com/watch.
I want to focus on releasing your feelings today. One of the best choices my wife and I have made is going out for dinner once a week. This break from everyone and everything gives us a chance to release our feelings. We talk about how we are feeling about everything. Sharing our feelings does not change situations, but it changes us. It releases emotion, builds intimacy, and honestly just makes us feel better. I look forward to that meal every week. It is a gift from God.
I am more convinced of this the longer I live. When we swallow our feelings instead of releasing them, we are worse off. Swallowing our feelings upsets our stomachs, relationships, physical well being, spiritual well being, and emotional well being. This may be why James writes, "Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ" Galatians 6:2 (NLT).
I don't know what this looks like for you. Maybe it's phone a friend, talk to mom or dad, see a counselor, or visit with a grandparent. But I do know this, when we share the burdens we carry, when we release our feelings, we get help. We obey the law of Christ, to love and receive love from others.
If you are experiencing some anxious or worrisome feelings today, the prayer below is one for you. Release your feelings to God and I would also encourage you to release them to someone else.
Scripture: Galatians 6:2 (NLT)
"Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ."
Prayer: Release Your Feelings
“Father, my soul feels anxious (tell God your feelings). I don’t like this feeling, but I’m thankful I can come to You and receive peace. You invite me to replace my anxiety with prayer, and even though my mind and heart are racing, I’m coming to You knowing that You provide healing and calm for my soul. Thank You for giving me breath and life. I thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Your image. I lay down all worries, all my physical and mental anxiety, and any attempt at trying to control it all (tell Him the things you are laying down right now). I surrender it all to You. I need You. I need Your peace that transcends my human understanding. Even if things are unstable around me, I pray that Your peace will be evident in my heart and my life. Guard my heart and mind, God. I trust that You are faithful, and I receive Your peace in my life today.”