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Religion Vs. Relationship

Writer's picture: Joe PalmisanoJoe Palmisano

Theme: : Superficial morality is born from fear.

This past Sunday, Pastor Dan deftly led us down a road that branched into two paths: religion and relationship. When I think of religion, I think about something man designs as a means for him to earn his way into heaven and to boast about it. This creation of man, filled with laws that he alone can meet, fits neatly into those sins he sees as venial and allows him to feel superior and judge others for falling short. Religion is a clever bit of deception, but only for a time. Pastor Dan spoke the truth when he paraphrased from Matthew 6, verse 23, saying, “When the light you have is actually darkness, how dark is that light?”

I read a quote by Michel de Montaigne, a name I had not previously known. He wrote, "Man is certainly stark mad; he cannot make a worm, yet he will be making gods by dozens."

Gods that allow a person or group of people, as we were taught Sunday, to judge others, play favorites, and check their created categorical boxes in smugness and pride.

However, we do not need to start a religion to make a god. All we must do is put anyone or anything in God's place. What is that thing in your life to which all other things must bow? Is it your career? Money? Some other form of worldly success? Or it is you? When we disobey God's will in favor of our own, we place ourselves on God's throne.

One man walked this earth, a perfect example of how we are to live. He added no laws; in fact, He narrowed hundreds to two. He did not judge nor place Himself above anyone He met but served all. He did not play favorites, even breaking bread with the one who would betray Him. He had no boxes to check except His Father’s and never went through the “religious” motions.

What about us? A famous German philosopher and Atheist, Friedrich Nietzsche, once wrote, "After coming into contact with a religious man, I always feel I must wash my hands." This sad statement expresses how so many are made to feel after meeting a self-righteous religious person. We will know that we are living religiously when we make those who do not know Jesus feel bad about themselves. The fact is, we are all sinners. None of us has the right to make anyone else feel like they are less than we are or somehow unworthy. And what a burden it is to have the role of judge. How freeing to give it up. The truth is, God loves us equally and bestows His Grace equally, “first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” A faithful and true witness, one saved by Grace, will be sure to communicate this truth humbly and lovingly to all.

This message holds powerful Good News. We who are in Jesus Christ do not have to be religious. As Pastor Dan said, “Just stop!” We, who cannot create a worm, can relinquish all pretense of godliness and self-righteousness. That is so much, if not most, of the freedom Jesus spoke about. We are dead sinners, saved by God’s Grace in Jesus Christ. We can be vulnerable, foolish, imperfect, grateful, gracious, loving, accepting, and attractive to those searching. All because we now live in the God/man who lived His life perfectly. We must show those seeking meaning in life that a relationship with Jesus is the opposite of the fear that they feel in religion, trying to placate an angry God. Perfect love expels all fear, all games, all masks, all self-righteousness, and all religion.

Great news!!


Scripture: Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭23‬ ‭(NIV); Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭(NIV‬‬‬)

“But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”


“Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”




Thank you, Lord, that you have relieved me from the burden of judging others. Thank you for opening my eyes to the foolishness that I even could. I am laughing right now, Father, that I once thought so highly of myself that I believed I had that power and right. Thank you that you woke me from that nightmare and opened my eyes to the truth. Lord, make me so vulnerable and foolish that no one is afraid to approach me, and that I may be attractive to all for your sake and so that I my share your cure for all who approach. In Jesus’ Name and in Him, Amen

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