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The Third Way

Writer: Pastor DanPastor Dan

Theme: Reconciliation

Division sells. Division makes for great ratings. Division engages our emotions. Division is addicting. And yet, in heaven, there is a bowing around the throne of God with the worshipping words, "Holy, Holy, Holy." There is no division in heaven, but bowing unity around God Almighty. Such a drastic contrast in pictures, what is happening in heaven compared to earth, right? Yet Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven." Maybe there should be more bowing and less posturing in these parts.

We try to show a third way on Sundays. Not just talk about it, but give visual pictures of it. Is a picture still worth a thousand words? I don't know. But Sunday, we wanted to show a way that is different way than division. A third way, the way of Jesus. I don't know if it made much of a difference, but we tried. It is why Devon, a young black man, and I, a middle aged white man, stood together and prayed a prayer of racial reconciliation. Of anything we did Sunday, that moment meant the most to me. Because I love Devon and I know he loves me. We are brothers in Christ. As I stood there with Devon doing ministry, I saw a bit of heaven on earth. I hope you did too. I have included the Scripture and prayer we presented together this past Sunday. May you reflect on and pray it this week as well.


Scripture: Ephesians 4:3-6 (NIV)

Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; One Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.


Prayer: Reconciliation

Devon: “Father, I recognize that You created every person in Your image and that You have great purpose for each of us. I ask You to help me see every person as You see them.

Dan: Help me to love others with the unconditional love of Jesus and to make every effort to promote peace, unity, and equality for all people. Forgive me for the times that I have not valued others or spoken up for what is right.

Devon: Give me boldness to confront inequity when I see it and to honor others in my thoughts, words, and actions. Help me to love my neighbor as myself and to be an ambassador for reconciliation, as You have called me to be.

TOGETHER: I ask You to break the spirit of racism and division off of our nation, in Jesus’ Name. Thank You for making us one by the blood of Jesus and the power of Your Spirit.”


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