The Good News
Paul's letter to the Roman church is often seen as the book of the Bible most jam-packed full of theology and church doctrines. As we explore this letter over the course of 30 weeks, we will see how all of it is centered around one theme: the good news of King Jesus.
3 Parts

God is #1
Priorities can quickly change. Whether from outside events we have no control over or sometimes from our own desires. Or even a combination of both. But Jesus was very clear that He is the only way to true peace. This series explores Colossians, investigating
Paul’s explanation of why Christ is #1.
3 Parts

Be a Laborer
Each of us has our own unique story. We have our own walk with God. And the same is true for the people around us. We all have people in our lives that we want to see begin or grow in their relationship with God. We are called to be minor characters in someone’s story.
1 Part

Experiencing Real Life Change
In the new year, we are setting our focus on being effective. Our prayer for each of you is that you experience real and effective life change. In this series, Dan helps us to break down and really grapple with God's plan for humanity and His plan for your life.
4 Parts

Life's Tricky Questions
Life is full of tricky questions. Thank goodness, we have Google in our pockets. However, throughout this series, we will take a look at some of the questions that most Christians ask and do our best to address the struggles that are happening in everyday lives.
7 Parts

Advent 2024
The story of the Bible shapes so much of our faith. It begins with God's relationship with humanity that is promised, then broken, and a plan is set in motion to set everything right. As we journey through the Old Testament, we can see how it all leads to Jesus.
2 Parts

Find Freedom
It's a crucial part of our mission as a church. We believe that God desires us to not be weighed down by the burdens of sin, hurt, anger, bitterness, shame, and addiction... We believe that finding freedom is what God desires for each of His children. But real freedom waits at the end of a journey - one step at a time.
4 Parts

The Bible's Great Treasures
There are certain passages of scripture that have drawn people in for centuries. Some of them are still a powerful part of our spiritual lives today. Through this summer series, our hope is that each of us can meditate on the holy words of God and be reminded of their power and truth.
3 Parts

Intercessory Prayer
To petition God for our needs is an important part of our spiritual walk. But, to intercede and pray on behalf of the people in our lives is just as important to our faith. In this special message, Pastor Jimmy helps us explore just how to pray for the lost.
1 Part

Outward Focus
This month we are looking outward. Jesus became the bridge between God and people so that we can follow His example and be the bridge ourselves. In addition to messages from Pastor Dan, each week we will also hear from a leader who is already a bridge in our community.
3 Parts

1 Thessalonians
We don't care what people say. Life's not how much money you make, it’s not who you work for, it’s who you married, and it’s not what your sports record is. The one thing that can bring you fulfillment in life is continuous, practical growth. We never want to stop getting better, never become complacent. We have a cause.
4 Parts

Lessons from the Butcher Shop
When it comes to relationships, the world is not looking to the Church or to Christians. They are looking to Dr. Phil, the Kardashians, and the housewives of Atlanta. Why? Well, maybe because leaders in the Church have not done a great job of laying out a Biblical foundation for relationships.
6 Parts

Following God's Will
Your conscience, that gut feeling, the moving of the Holy Spirit, God's call...these are all things that we experience and can spot when it happens, but talking about it is something trickier. In this 3-part series, Dan helps us to better understand the process of hearing God.
3 Parts

The Words Of Jesus
For those of us that use a paper bible, the editors chose a simple yet bold way to set apart the words of Jesus as holy. The red letters are full of teachings, questions, parables, challenges, and truth unlike any other. And in the Red letters, we can discover something special.
3 Parts

A Pray First Life
This series is for those who have never prayed before, or have prayed everyday for as long as they can remember. No matter what role prayer currently plays in your life, we believe that God has next steps for you to take as you grow in prayer. We are a "pray first" church, and we beleive god wants you to be a "pray first" person.
3 Parts

Advent 2023
The holiday season is always an emotional time, but its not always joy and love tht we feel. Sometimes the holidays bring feelings of lonliness, insecurity, or bitterness. Relationships with friends and family are brought to mind. This baggage can weigh us down if we don't have the right tools and team to help us out.
4 Parts

Live Life Again
There are shared feelings and experiences across all of humanity... like being uncertain, connecting with others, wanting to feel significant, and striving for personal growth. We want you to know that you aren't alone. When life isn't going the way you wanted - when you feel like you're missing out or falling short - it's never too late to live life again.
4 Parts

Doctrines that Build our Faith
Our church family is experiencing a new year and a brand new space to worship in. Our Serve Teams are always growing and changing and a new Small Group semester has just begun. But through all of the change, our foundations stand strong. In this series, we take some time to reflect on and explore the doctrines the build our faith.
9 Parts

The Gift of Reconciliation
The holiday season is the time of year when families and relationships are prioritized. We see it in movies and on TV. Our friends talk about it. We want to celebrate together! But sometimes it's not so easy. In our advent series, we will explore the power of reconciliation
4 Parts

To Give Than Receive
A culture of generosity is a crucial component of our vision for the future of our church community. But what exactly is a "culture" of geneosity? Is it biblical? Is it really worth it? Though this short series, we will explore this and other common questions on this topic.
3 Parts

Learn to Pray
George Washington Carver once said that "When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." Prayer is a common part of our lives as follows of Jesus, but what if we take a fresh look at it? What if we make our prayer lives uncommon?
3 Parts

Find Freedom
Personal finances, work, comparison, current events, family dynamics, time management, and relationships are all essential parts of life. But they all have one special thing in common, they cause us to stress out! How do we find freedom from that kind us stress?! Let's find out.
5 Parts

The Immigrant, Fatherless, and Widow
If you were asked to define justice, what would you say? It's a simple concept in theory, but wondrously complex in practice. God calls His people to enact justice in the world on His behalf. Therefore, we have to take the time to discover what biblical justice really looks like.
1 Part